
I am an American woman. I live in Rome with Phryne, an adorable Portuguese Podengo. I moved to Italy many years ago to work for an international organization. When it started to be less than fun I resigned. And now I am figuring out what to do with the rest of my life. In the meantime, I am keeping the wolf from the door through writing, editing and advising on communications strategies. So that’s me. Writing. Editing. Advising. Spoiling the world’s cutest dog. Wondering what’s next. In Rome.

12 responses to “About

  1. Eliseu Bettencourt

    I certainly understand and sympathise. At certain point in life it comes the urge to stop and think or rethink what are your priorities what are the really important things in life. I found mine! I’m more than confident that you’ll find yours.
    Only today I new of this blog. Great. Time for a coffee one of these days?

  2. Pingback: Lightbulbs and business cards | My Life: Part Two

  3. I just came to this page following a link in Elizabeth Minchilli’s blog about her Women’s Group. I also am from Philadelphia — and am perhaps about your age. I too lived in Itay for 5+ years of which only four months of them were in Rome. I just came back recently from a return voyage to Puglia (after 30+ years!) and an afternoon and evening in Rome — still wonderful but, according to all the Romans I spoke to, “invivibile”. I also lived in France and Japan, and all over the U.S. Now live in Santa Barbara, CA.

    I grew up in Germantown, graduated from Stevens School for Girls in Chestnut Hill (now defunct, but also Grace Kelly’s alma mater!), and eventually moved to center city across from the Art Museum. I still have family in and around Philadelphia. I too LOVED Philly steaks and hoagies; used to get Philly steaks at Pat’s (a different one) in the Brideshead area, near Orthodox and Torresdale Streets. Pat’s customers bragged that their cheese steaks were much better than those in South Philly, and they used REAL cheese!

    I was very inspired by the description of the Women’s Group; I think I’d like to start one here!

    Best wishes to you in Roma.


    • Dear Angela
      How nice to hear from you! Sounds like you’ve had a very interesting life. I grew up in Bryn Mawr and went to Shipley. Also a school for girls. My theory on Rome is that you either give up and get out once the thrill wears off or you develop HUGE patience and tolerance due to the fact that the thrill never really does wear off. I’m in the latter camp I think.
      I can’t recommend a Women’s Group more highly. It’s been amazing.

  4. Dear Ruth,
    When I was at Stevens we used to play hockey against Shipley! Perhaps we met up on the field, although I may be older than you. I graduated in 1962. My mother “prayed” I would go to Bryn Mawr so that I would remain in the Philadelphia area. But I wanted to get out and be in NYC so I went to Barnard instead.
    Yes, I think you either get bitten by the Rome “bug” — or not. I love the city, but it was almost painful to arrive at the Piazza di Spagna and no longer even be able to see the steps there were so many tourists on them.
    If you are ever coming to the Santa Barbara area it would be delightful to meet you. Meanwhile I will continue to enjoy living vicariously in Rome through your blog.

  5. Don’t know when I have laughed so long (sometimes mixed, blush!, with tears) about your numerous comments on Italian food, customs, history…
    Don’t know how I wandered into this blog, since I was trying to understand a reference in a 19th century German letter from a 16-year old who for the first time found himself in Italy, lago maggiore, and used some odd expression: “Es ist heute Sonntag, er hat seinen, blauen sammtnena Wamme an, jedoch scheint es, als habe der auch nicht gerade heute zum ersten Male die Parade machen müssen.” Was there some custom of having a parade every Sunday in Italy back then? Or is this a German reference to they guy not having even once having yet gotten up to take a stroll (& pee?) in his umpteen-hour sleep?

    Dan Perrine (danielperrine@gmail.com)

    • Hi Dan. Thank you for your nice comment. I don’t speak German and Google Translate, as always, is not much help. Nor do I know about a weekly parade custom back in the 19th Century. But I suspect that then, as now, there was a nightly promenade along the lakefront to see and be seen by one’s neighbours.

  6. Hi Ruth, I just want to say that I’ve just discovered your blogs and like them very much (and I’m very picky about what I read). Your two pieces on “Winter Wonderland” and “Chrismas in Philly” just reached me via my parents, who are now neighbors of your parents (apparently a bit of a time lag, as I see that you’ve written a good deal since then). I too am originally from Philadelphia (nice memories of Wanamaker’s Christmas display) and am an American who’s permanently in Europe (except only 19 years now, and in Germany). I look forward to reading the rest of your blog. Some of the photos look very appetizing!

    • Hi Paul
      Thanks for your nice note and for reading! I know your mom. She’s been super welcoming and helpful to my parents who appreciate it greatly. Greetings from boiling hot Rome!

  7. Cara Ruth sono romanissimo e monteverdino. Probabilmente siamo vicini di casa, abito a pochi metri da Largo Ravizza. Ho passato mezzo pomeriggio in questo Agosto bollente a leggerti. Il tuo blog è divertente e raffinato. L’ Italia che mostri è (difetti compresi) molto vera. I ristoranti che hai recensito sono quelli che piacciono a me.
    Un saluto

    • Caro Marcello
      La ringrazio per le gentili parole! Mi piace scrivere il blog e sono felice ti piace leggerlo. Secondo me, Monteverde è il posto migliore per vivere a Roma.
      Cordiali saluti

  8. Hi Ruth,
    Love your blog and I totally get what you are saying about healing etc… I think these periods are great gifts and I wish you all the best in your discovery.
    Warmly, Daniela (betta’s friend 🙂

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